세계 모래 조각전
Dragon Dwellers Amazin’ Walter and William Lloyds entry in the Tournament of Sand Sculpting Champions at Harrison
Hot Springs, British Colombia, Canada. Photo #1 by Amazin Walter
The Mechanical Mind Sand Sculpture, from the International Sand Sculpture championships in Federal Way, Washington.
Photo #2 by Robert Bowman
The photographer wrote, “Dragon Dwellers by Amazin’ Walter and William LLoyd leads this set off.
” Dragon Dwellers baby sand dragon at Harrison Hot Springs, World Championship Competition.
Photo #5 by Amazin Walter
Sand Fest, Port Aransas, Texas Amazin’ Walter and William Lloyd carved this sculpture titled ‘House Broken’.
It won 3rd Place and Peoples Choice at the Sand Fest. Photo #6 by Amazin Walter
Monk… a light dawns sand sculpture by Amazin’ Walter and William Lloyd for the Sandfest Competition at Port Aransas,
Texas. Photo #7 by Amazin Walter
There Goes the Neighborhood 2nd Place at Texas Sand Fest 2011 by the McDonalds, Amazin’ Walter and Christy.
Photo #8 by Amazin Walter
Buzzy the Clown Sand Sculpture. The photographer wrote,
“Another of the Sand Sculptures from the International Championship held in October 2010 in Federal Way Washington.
This is probably not the type of clown to hire for your child/grandchild’s birthday party!” Photo #9 by Robert Bowman
Dinosaur sand sculptures at the Sand Sculpting Australia ‘Dinostory’ exhibit held at Frankston, Victoria, Australia.
Created by international teams: Peter Bignell (Tasmania, Australia) Triceratops skull and logo; Martijn Rijerse (Netherlands)
Tyrannosaurus rex scene; Karen Fralich (Canada) children playing in foreground; J
ino van Bruissenen and Christina Mija (NSW, Australia) background panel. Photo #10 by John O’Neill
Angel, Lamb & Lion at World Championship Sand Sculpting Competition in Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia, Canada.
Photo #24 by Dan Huntington
“Sand Creations This was temptation. A devil on one side with Godiva chocolates under her cape and an angered angel
on the other. Hampton Beach, NH.” Photo #25 by Lori Hurley
Three-headed dragon sand sculpture in Gijn strand, Asturias, Spain. The inscprition says: “17 hours one person 2000
litres water.” Photo #28 by GuidoB
World Championships of Sand Sculpting “Inner Self Crack open your outer shell” by Carl Jara, 1st place solo.
Photo #30 by Amazin Walter
Angels and demons with a man at the Nepture Festival, Virginia Beach Sandsculpting Championship.
Photo #31 by Matt
‘Discoveries’ theme of the 7TH International Sand Sculpture Festival, the exploration of the ocean.
Photo #37 by RHaworth
The photographer wrote, “The theme of the Seventh International Sand Sculpture Festival was ‘discoveries’.
I am not quite sure how they classified this dragon as a discovery. Note the knight beneath its claw and the
sword cast aside.” Photo #46 by RHaworth
The John Dunbar Theme -John Barry (영화 "늑대와
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