
Alexandre Cabanel 의 그림

청 송 2012. 6. 14. 14:11

Alexandre Cabanel 의 그림


French Academic Classical painter & teacher

born 1823 - died 1889

Ophelia [detail]
Oil on canvas, 1883

Private collection


Nymphe et Satyr [Nymph and Satyr]
Oil on canvas, 1860
Private collection


Oil on canvas
Mus__ Fabre, Montpellier, Languedoc, France

Cleopatra Testing Poisons on Condemned Prisoners
Oil on canvas, 1887
Private collection

La Comtesse de Keller
Oil on canvas, 1873
7/8 x 29 7/8 inches (99 x 76 cm)

Mus__ d’Orsay, Paris, France

The Death of Francesca da Rimini and Paolo Malatesta
Oil on canvas, 1870

Mus__ d’Orsay, Paris, France

The Death of Moses
Oil on canvas, 1851
112 x 120 inches (284.5 x 304.8 cm)
Dahesh Museum, New York City

Cincinnatus Receiving Deputies of the Senate
Oil on canvas
Private collection


Fallen Angel
Oil on canvas
Private collection

Oil on canvas
Private collection

Oil on canvas

Collection of Fred and Sherry Ross

Eve After the Fall
Oil on canvas
1/2 x 37 3/4
inches (74.93 x 95.89 cm)
Private collection

The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Paradise
Oil on canvas
x 37 inches (121.9 x 94 cm)
Private collection

The Roman Monk
Oil on canvas
Private collection

Patricienne de Venise
Oil on canvas, 1881
3/8 x 31 1/2
inches (130.5 x 80.3 cm)

Private collection

Portrait de John William Mackay (1831-1902) [Portrait of John William Mackay (1831-1902)]
Oil on canvas, 1878
7/8 x 33 1/2
inches (129.5 x 85.1 cm)
Private collection

Portrait of Countess E. A. Vorontsova-Dashkova
Oil on canvas, 1873
Private collection

Portrait of Prince K. A. Gorchakov
Oil on canvas, 1864
Private collection

Autoportrait [A Self-Portrait]
Oil on canvas, 1847
24 x 19
inches (61 x 48.9 cm)
Private collection

Portrait Of Young Lady
Oil on canvas
50 x 30
inches (127 x 78 cm)
Formerly in the Collection of Fred and Sherry Ross


Cleopatra (study)
Musee des Beaux-Arts de Beziers (France)
Painting - oil on board
Samson and Delilah
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 92.7 cm (36.5 in.), Width: 64.8 cm (25.51 in.)

The Birth of Venus
Oil on canvas, 1863
1/8 x 88 1/2 inches (130 x 225 cm)

Mus__ d’Orsay, Paris, France

The Daughter Of Jephthah
Oil on canvas, 1879
3/8 x 25 1/2
inches (100.3 x 64.8 cm)

Private collection

Engaving after Cabanel's 'The Sulamite'
Public collection

카바넬 [Alexandre Cabanel, 1823~1889] 프랑스의 화가
몽펠리에 출생. 미술학교에서 F.피코에게 사사하였다.
1845년 로마상을 받고 5년간 이탈리아에 유학하였으며 귀국 후 모교의 교수가 되었다.
A.다비드와 J.A.앵그르의 고전주의적 작풍으로 역사화 ·풍속화 ·초상화명성을 떨쳐 제2제정시대 화단의 총아가 되고
관료화가로서 오랫동안 아카데미 원장의 영예를 누렸다. 대표작으로 《비너스의 탄생》(1863, 루브르미술관 소장),
빈만국박람회 출품작 프란체스카 다 리미니파울로 마라테스타의 죽음》 등이 있다.


글 출처, 네이버 백과사전