친구들이여, 영국은 지금 검둥이들의 시작으로 폭동과 도둑질로 이들이 한목 보고있다. 여기저기
대도시, 특히 검둥이들이 많이 살고있는 런던, 만체스트, 부리스톨, 리버풀, 걸라스고 ,노팅함,
우버함톤, 위스트, 부롬위치, 이어서 런던에서 일어난 폭동을 고대로 흉내내고 불지르고 부수고
도둑질 한제가, 런던은 3일 계속 되였고 만체스트는 어제 시작을 했지요(8월 9일). 사진 보내드리
오니 보싶시요.
3일 계속 폭동이 일어나고있다. 런던뿐 아니고 부리스톨,리버풀, 버어밍함 대도시에서 런던의
폭동을 고대로 코피해서 따라가고있다 .새로운 사진 올렸습니다. 8월 9일 더디어 만체스트도
폭동이 시작했고 다른도시 노팅함, 우버함톤, 위스트. 부롬위치 도시도 폭동이 일어났다.
대부분 큰도시들이다.
어제밤 5시 30분경 북 런든의 토튼함(Tottenham)축구장 앞에서 120명의 장청년들이 집결하기
시작을했다. 그후 시간이 갈수록 500 명의 사람들이 뫃여서 난동을 부리기 시작을 했다. 이유는
지난 목요일 강스타(깡패두목)이 택시로 지나가는것을 검문하는 과정에서 총소리를 들을수 있었고
서로 총을 쏳았고 그후 강스타는 병원으로 옮겨저 치료를 받고 귀가를 시겼지만 죽었다.
이야기가 투위드(Twitter)와 유투브(You tube)에 사진이 오라가고 난후 이지역의 모든 젊은이들이
길거리로 뫃여서 무차별하게 가개,버스, 은행,경찰차 등 화염병으로 폭파하고 긴 폭도들의 여정이
이곳은 수많은 흑인들의 집결지로 여러가지로 시한 폭탄을 간직한체 아슬아슬하게 넘어 갖지만
어제 저녘에 죄없는 사람을 죽였다는 이유를 잡아 폭도로 변한 아이들이 무법천지로 만들어
문제는 이지역에 사는 사람들은 죽은 강스타는 난동을 부리지 않았고 착실하게 살려고 노력을 하는
사람이였고 지난날 여러 일들에 연류가 되였었지만 지금은 께끗하다는 변명을 앞세워 경찰들을
집중적으로 표적을 삼고 난동을 부리기 시작을 했고 경찰쪽은 정확한 정보토대로 조사를 한 것이라고
상반된 주장으로 오랫동안 죽은자의 뒷조사를 하고 있었다고 했다.
검둥이들이 하는 일들은 대부분 삼바 춤이나 추고 술과 마약으로 또는 사창가의 대부로서 검은
돈으로 살면서 운좋게 랍음악이 우연히 뜨면 출세하는 분류들이 많이 있다
지금 영국 뿐만 아니고 서양국가들은 사회적으로 시한폭탄을 안고 살고있다 흑인들의 집결지역은
런던뿐 아니고 리버풀, 만체스타, 부리스풀등 여러 대도시 그리고 파키스탄, 소말리아 인들의 집결
지역은 영국전체 이고 특히 만체스트 지역의 위성도시 영국전체 파키스탄이 없는곳이 없고 이들의
인구팽창은 몆십년후엔 영국을 지배한다는 통계도 나왔다 심각한 인종분쟁을 어떻게 할것인가
아무도 모른다.
현제의 놀르위이가 이점을 우려해서 살인자가 등장한것이다. 이락크 ,중동지방인 파키스탄인 들을
비교적 우대하지만 하는일 없이 국가의 모든헤택을 받고 잘 살지만 그나라를 위하여 하는일은 없고
태로리스트로 전환하여 자기들의 종교를 앞세워 무조건 모든것을 결부시켜 사회질서를 파괴하는
원인제공을 하는것으로 되여있다.
이들은 필요하면 서양법을 따르고 자기들에게 불리하면 무조건 인종차별이라고 아우성치고 다른
나라에선 일부다처의 법은 없지만 이들에게는 당연지사다 극우파들은 이들이 아이들을 제조하는
기계라고 말하고 수십년 후엔 이들의 천국이 될것이라고 말들을 하고있다.
![A woman can be seen jumping from a burning building in Surrey Street](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2023874-0D5B628600000578-533_470x497.jpg)
![A woman can be seen jumping from a burning building in Surrey Street](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2023874-0D5B629200000578-128_472x496.jpg)
목숨을 걸고 이층에서 뛰어내리고있는 여자
![Hackney: Anarchy broke out last night as hooded youths set fire to cars, bins and buildings as police battled to bring them under control](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2023874-0D5B233A00000578-576_964x976.jpg)
![Aftermath: Burnt out buildings in Croydon are doused down today after the worst night of rioting so far](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2023874-0D5D573F00000578-494_964x1028.jpg)
![Rioting erupts across London](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2023874-0D5D924700000578-621_964x496.jpg)
런던 8 지역에서 난동과 폭동 그리고 도둑질을 하고있다
![After the storm: Fire crews douse out burnt out buildings on London Road in Croydon this morning following the worst night of rioting](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2023874-0D5C5A9100000578-68_964x630.jpg)
![The charred shell of Reeves Furniture store in Croydon this morning which was completely destroyed in the huge blaze](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2023874-0D5C63F100000578-541_964x796.jpg)
![Arson: The buildings at Reeves Corner today which were totally destroyed by fire last night](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2023874-0D5DBAD900000578-71_964x594.jpg)
![Crumpled heap: This Sony distribution centre in Waltham Abbey, north of London was destroyed by violence overnight, and there were reports of looting at the scene before the blaze](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2023874-0D5C084500000578-282_964x648.jpg)
소니 물건창고에 난입해서 도둑질하고 불질렀다
![Arson attack: Smoke rises from the Sony distribution centre in Enfield as frefighters try to bring the blaze under control. The fire started last night after it was looted](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2023874-0D5D22DA00000578-53_964x855.jpg)
![Devastation: Flames shoot more than 100ft into the air in Croydon as a building is torched. The suburb has suffered some of the most serious violence in the capital](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/08/article-2023874-0D5B54F400000578-642_964x635.jpg)
![Croydon: Arsonists started a blaze in Croydon the latest borough to come under attack from rioters](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/08/article-2023874-0D5B42D200000578-41_964x532.jpg)
![Woolwich: A Wetherspoons pub is completely gutted by fire last night as the violence continued](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2023874-0D5B9E0C00000578-582_964x639.jpg)
![Liverpool: Two vehicles are set alight on Lawrence Road in Toxteth, Liverpool as crowds of youths gather](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2023874-0D5BA6DD00000578-451_964x447.jpg)
![Camden: The violence spread to Camden and Chalk Farm in north London. Police are seen walking the streets near Camden Lock](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2023874-0D5B8C9200000578-71_964x573.jpg)
![A yob attacks a police car in Hackney](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2023874-0D5B203100000578-232_470x423.jpg)
![A resident films a police officer on his mobile phone](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2023874-0D5B4D3000000578-837_470x423.jpg)
육갑 덜고있는 검둥이
![Looters raid the Orange phone shop in New Street Birmingham](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/08/article-2023874-0D5B450A00000578-780_470x423.jpg)
![Copycats: Looters raid the Orange phone shop in New Street Birmingham as the violence spread north](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/08/article-2023874-0D5B453600000578-812_470x423.jpg)
먼저 갖이고 가는넘이 임자
![Looters run from a clothes shop with a bag of clothes](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/08/article-2023874-0D5B6E0000000578-441_472x581.jpg)
![A masked rioter raises a wine bottle in Hackney](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2023874-0D5B1F6800000578-174_470x584.jpg)
![A masked man carries a toy horse in front of a burning car in Hackney](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2023874-0D5B22A500000578-684_472x498.jpg)
![A masked man walks past a burning car outside a Carhartt store in Hackney. Violence is also taking place in Peckham and Lewisham](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/08/article-2023554-0D5B05CC00000578-899_964x606.jpg)
![Police officers in riot gear block a road near a burning car on a street in Hackney as youths hurl missiles at officers](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/08/article-2023554-0D5B368300000578-695_964x590.jpg)
![A burning car in Hackney yesterday. Violence swept across south, west and north London as well as Liverpool and Birmingham](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/08/article-2023554-0D5B014B00000578-451_964x638.jpg)
![Looters in Hackney](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/08/article-2023874-0D5B42B600000578-604_470x423.jpg)
![Looters raid Harris Electronics in Hackney](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/08/article-2023874-0D5B131100000578-855_470x423.jpg)
![Hooded youths loot a Carhartt store in Hackney by ripping out a roller-shutter door before making off with clothes](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/08/article-2023554-0D5B075900000578-255_964x643.jpg)
![People flee in Hackney as rioting began in the east London suburb yesterday where cars and bins were set alight and missiles thrown at police](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/08/article-2023874-0D5AFB3E00000578-399_964x640.jpg)
![The violence has spread to Deptford this evening - including this building which has been set on fire](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/08/article-2023554-0D5B129E00000578-206_964x507.jpg)
![Youths loot a Carhartt store in Hackney](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/08/article-2023554-0D5B075100000578-116_470x585.jpg)
3일쩨는 백인 도둑넘들도 합세하여 형먼저 아우 먼저다
![A car burns outside a Carhartt store in Hackney where youths also looted the store](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/08/article-2023554-0D5B05C800000578-434_964x482.jpg)
![Scene of devastation: A firefighter sprays water onto Reeves furniture store torched by rioters in Croydon, south London](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2023874-0D5CD95700000578-206_964x675.jpg)
![Out of control: Scores of police tackle rioters in Tottenham last night](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/07/article-2023254-0D542C9A00000578-575_634x417.jpg)
![Out in force: Mounted police ride in front of a burning building in Tottenham](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/07/article-2023254-0D547BCB00000578-566_634x426.jpg)
폭도들이 갸개에서 도둑질 하는것을 경찰이 막고있다
![Stripped bare: Rampaging looters stolen rows of TVs and other goods from Comet at Tottenham retail park](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/07/article-2023254-0D54932B00000578-276_634x417.jpg)
전기용품(콤퓨트 등)수프에서 값진 콤퓨트는 한개도 두지않고 모조리 싹썰이했다
![Tottenham's burning: Riot police on horseback are drafted in as a double decker bus is alight in the background](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/07/article-2023254-0D54427B00000578-868_634x422.jpg)
어제밤에 폭동이 일어난 붑 런던의 토튼함 길거리에 폭도들이 화염병으로 경찰차 버스 가개
은행 등에 불지르고 닥치는대로 부수고 도둑질 했다
![London's burning: Building are alight after being torched by youths during an attempted arrest last night](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/07/article-2023254-0D5436CF00000578-407_634x413.jpg)
청소년들이 런든을 화염에 쌓이게했다
![The red double decker burns. The trouble started at around 5.30pm as the protest began](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/07/article-2023254-0D54428B00000578-971_634x549.jpg)
이층버스가 불타고있다
![Into the storm: A police officer in riot gear stands looking at a burning car on the night riots returned to north London following a fatal shooting](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/07/article-2023254-0D543F3B00000578-205_634x398.jpg)
고독한 순경이 불타는 장면을 혼자서 지켜보고있다
![Police try and control a huge crowd of people as a shop burns. In the front of the picture a police car sits burnt out](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/07/article-2023254-0D5423DE00000578-716_634x376.jpg)
![Masked youths outside a Barclays Bank which has had its window smashed during the chaos](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/07/article-2023254-0D5442AB00000578-722_634x579.jpg)
은행을 섭격하고있다
![A shot is attacked by arsonists on Tottenham High Road during protests tonight a quarter of a century after the infamous Broadwater Farm riots](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/07/article-2023254-0D541CE900000578-806_634x423.jpg)
![Hooded youths use aerosol cans to set fire to shelves of goods inside a retail store on Tottenham High Road after ransacking the premises](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/07/article-2023254-0D54371300000578-148_634x468.jpg)
가개에 난립하여 싹서리하고있다
![Chaos: An estimated 300 people were on the streets in north London as news of the riots was spread via Twitter](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/06/article-2023254-0D540A6300000578-376_634x336.jpg)
폭도들 300명을 예상하고있다
![Victim: Mark Duggan, shot by police in Ferry Lane, Tottenham](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/06/article-2023254-0D4F6A9600000578-89_306x423.jpg)
이사람이 깡패두목이라는 사람이고 이사람때문에 폭동이 일어났다
![A Miss Selfridge shop on fire in Market Street](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2024203-0D5EE58900000578-459_470x423.jpg)
만체스트 가개에 불지르고
![Looters - including a young boy - rob drink from Sainsbury's Local store in Manchester](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2024203-0D5EF66400000578-615_470x728.jpg)
만체스트 8월 9일
![Looters rob drink from Sainsbury's Local store in Manchester](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2024203-0D5EF78800000578-501_472x730.jpg)
만체스트 먼저 훔처가는 놈이 장땡이다
![Manchester: A masked looter runs off with items from Sainsbury's Local in Manchester](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2024203-0D5EF66800000578-719_964x1535.jpg)
![Birmingham: People wearing masks swig alcohol next to a burning car in Birmingham city centre this evening](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2024203-0D5F039800000578-740_964x512.jpg)
![Manchester: Hooded looters with arm fulls of clothes run from a Manchester shopping centre this evening](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2024203-0D5EF15C00000578-474_964x666.jpg)
지금은 백인들도 흑인과 작당헤서 도둑질을 시작했다 만체스트
![Looters carry equipment out of a home cinema shop in central Birmingham](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2024203-0D5EF26C00000578-191_472x543.jpg)
![Looters carry boxes out of a home cinema shop in central Birmingham](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2024203-0D5EFB4E00000578-799_472x542.jpg)
![A rioter is pictured trying to smash the Esprit shop window on Market Street in Manchester this evening](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/09/article-2024203-0D5ECA0900000578-476_964x657.jpg)
8월 9일 만체스트 마겟 풀레스
여름날의 수채화 같은 추억의 노래들 . . . 2
01. Mary Hamilton - Joan Baez
02. Catch The Wind - Donovan
03. Scarlet Ribbons - The Kingston Trio
04. Burning Bridges - Jack Scott
05. He’ll Have To Go - Jim Reeves
06. Changing Partners - Patti Page
07. April Love - Pat Boone
08. Quizas, Quizas, Quizas (Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps) - Nat King Cole
09. A Certain Smile - Johnny Mathis
10. Put Your Head on My Shoulder - Paul Anka
11. All I Have To Do Is Dream -
12. Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini - Brian Hyland
13. Papa Loves Mambo - Perry Como
14. Be-Bop-A-Lula - Gene Vincent
15. Wooly Bully - Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs
16. Hippy Hippy Shake - Swinging Blue Jeans
17. Let's Twist Again - Chubby Checker
18. Beautiful Sunday - Daniel Boone
19. Sugar, Sugar - The Archies
20. The Letter - The Box Tops
21. Dizzy - Tommy Roe
22. La Bamba - Ritchie Valens
23. Mony, Mony - Tommy James & The Shondells
24. Rose Garden - Lynn Anderson
<南村 李魯春 / 은지내>